Choose your own courses and get all the education you need for second or subsequent Oregon real estate license renewal.
$119.00 | 30 Hours | ✓ NAR Ethics
Learn something new! This Oregon real estate continuing education course bundle gives you the flexibility to choose your own classes and still get the price you want and the required 30 hours you need. There is no need to take the same CE topics every time. Now you can have your education your way!
This package contains courses intended to comply with educational guidelines provided by the National Association of REALTORS®. However, official approval is determined by a state or local association of REALTORS®. Please check with applicable authorities to determine whether these courses satisfy your educational requirements.
Price: | $119.00 (USD) |
Credit Hours: | 30 |
State: | Oregon |
Category: | Vocational Training > Real Estate > Continuing Education > Oregon |
Purpose: | Choose your own courses and get all the education you need for second or subsequent Oregon real estate license renewal. |
14355 SW ALLEN BLVD STE 240,
Portland, OR 97223
(503) 670-9278
To provide superior distance education that exceeds industry standards and expectations in course content and delivery methods to those who seek to enter a new profession and those engaged in a profession.
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Course ID: 1038-1059
Credit Hours Provided: 4
Category: Agency Relationships and Responsibilities
This course is designed to give the licensee a comprehensive understanding of the law of agency as it applies to the practice of real estate in today's market. The discussion of agency law is based upon both the common law concepts of agency and also the Oregon codification and expansion of agency law concepts. This course will cover the fiduciary duties of the licensee, the historical development of agency as it applies to the real estate industry, and the concepts of seller representation, buyer representation and disclosed limited agency. The specific requirements of the Oregon agency disclosure law and procedures are also presented.
This course contains three chapters of text, with a quiz at the end of each chapter. At the end of the course is an optional 20-question final exam.
This course will remain available to students for 730 days after enrollment.
Course ID: 1038-1060
Credit Hours Provided: 3
Category: Principal Broker or Property Manager Clients' Trust Accounts
This course is designed to give the licensee a comprehensive understanding of Oregon law relating to the handling of client trust funds. The concept of trust funds is discussed along with the rules and regulations relating to the handling of such trust funds. Specific attention is focused on the trust fund account and the liability associated with managing the account. Particular attention is placed on trust fund violations relating to commingling and trust fund conversion.
A detailed discussion of the various types of permitted trust fund accounting records is presented along with suggested good record keeping procedures.
Since the majority of REA audit violations relate to trust funds, a great deal of attention is focused on the REA audit and the possible penalties for violation of the Oregon Real Estate Law and the Commissioner's Regulations relating to trust funds.
Finally, the student is presented with a series of trust fund transactions in the form of a case study. The case study outlines the various steps in properly recording the trust fund transactions and demonstrates how the transactions are entered on the columnar system forms. Once a student has completed this course, a working knowledge of trust fund handling and record keeping requirements will assist the student in staying in compliance with the Oregon trust funds laws.
This course is divided into four chapters. A quiz appears at the end of each chapter. An optional final exam of 15 questions is available at the end of the course. After completing the Oregon Real Estate Agency mandated seat time, an Oregon real estate continuing education certificate will be available for printing.
This course will remain available to students for 730 days after enrollment.
Course ID: 1038-1062
Credit Hours Provided: 2
Category: Real Estate Law or Regulation
This course discusses the protections that the construction lien law provides the property owner as well as the technical requirements a contractor or material provider must follow in order to protect their lien rights. Issues relating to filing a lien and the foreclosure of that lien are also explored.
There are procedures that protect the purchaser of real property against unperfected construction liens. These procedures are important considerations in many real estate transactions and must be understood by all practicing licensees.
This 2-hour course is divided into four chapters and contains review quizzes at the end of each chapter.
An optional10-question final exam in multiple-choice format is presented at the end of the course. After completing the Oregon Real Estate Agency mandated seat time, an Oregon real estate continuing education certificate will be available for printing.
This course will remain available to students for 730 days after enrollment.
Course ID: 1038-1065
Credit Hours Provided: 4
Category: Real Estate Disclosure Requirements
This course is designed to give the licensee a comprehensive understanding of the many issues regarding disclosure in the practice of real estate in Oregon. The common law fiduciary duty of disclosure is explored along with the trend towards more expansive disclosure standards. Discussed in detail are the Seller's Property Disclosure Statement, the Lead-based Paint Disclosure Statement, RESPA disclosures, Ballot Measure 37 disclosures and the numerous other disclosures that are required when real property is sold or transfers.
Oregon Agency disclosure requirements and procedures are also examined in detail.
Upon completion of this course, the licensee will have a comprehensive knowledge and checklist of potential disclosures that should be made in an Oregon real estate transaction.
The course is divided into four chapters of reading material. A review quiz follows each chapter.
At the end of the course is an optional 20-question final exam in multiple-choice question format. After completing the Oregon Real Estate Agency mandated seat time, an Oregon real estate continuing education certificate will be available for printing.
This course will remain available to students for 730 days after enrollment.
Course ID: 1038-1066
Credit Hours Provided: 1
Category: Real Estate Contracts
The real estate industry has recognized that methods other than litigation have become necessary to meet the needs of its licensees and the public. However, the Oregon Real Estate Agency takes a less than favorable view of clauses that appear in preprinted real estate sale agreements, and has indicated that licensees adopt procedures to notify the client of all mediation and arbitration provisions within the agreements.
This course will provide you with an understanding of alternative dispute resolution methods, along with a discussion of the clauses in use in various Oregon real estate forms.
This course contains approximately one hour of reading material. At the end of the course is an optional 5-question final exam in multiple choice format. After completing the Oregon Real Estate Agency mandated seat time, an Oregon real estate continuing education certificate will be available for printing.
This course will remain available to students for 730 days after enrollment.
Course ID: 1038-1014
Credit Hours Provided: 3
Category: Environmental Protection Issues in Real Estate
This course is designed to give the licensee a comprehensive understanding of the many environmental issues that frequently arise in today's residential real estate transaction. A discussion of lead, asbestos, and radon informs the student of the nature of the environmental hazard, the methods available to detect the hazard, and possible abatement methods and procedures.
Included in the discussion of each environmental hazard are practice tips which will assist the licensee in dealing with the specific hazard in the residential transaction.
This 4-chapter course contains reading materials, video, questions, quizzes, discussions, polls, and a final exam. Students are expected to progress through all activities to make course progress.
At the end of this course is an optional 15-question final exam. After completing the Oregon Real Estate Agency mandated seat time, an Oregon real estate continuing education certificate will be available for printing.
This course will remain available to students for 730 days after enrollment.
Course ID: 1038-1015
Credit Hours Provided: 3
Category: Environmental Protection Issues in Real Estate
This course is designed to give the licensee a comprehensive understanding of the many environmental issues that frequently arise in today's residential real estate transaction. A discussion of molds and fungi, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), potable water supply, clandestine drug labs, and underground storage tanks will inform the student of the nature of the environmental hazard, the methods available to detect the hazard, and possible abatement methods and procedures.
Included in the discussion of each environmental hazard are practice tips which will assist the licensee in dealing with the specific hazard in the residential transaction.
This course is divided into five chapters. Review quizzes are at the end of each segment.
An optional final examination is available at the end of the course. The final examination consists of 15 questions. After completing the Oregon Real Estate Agency mandated seat time, an Oregon real estate continuing education certificate will be available for printing
This course will remain available to students for 730 days after enrollment.
Course ID: 1038-1133
Credit Hours Provided: 3
Category: Business Ethics
The code of ethics course emphasizes that the standards of ethical conduct in the practice of real estate are based upon the National Association of Realtors® Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice and upon federal and state laws governing conduct applicable to the practice of real estate. The concept of misrepresentation and all of its implications to the daily practice of real estate is discussed in detail. This course is an article-by-article dissection of the Code of Ethics, organized in three major topic areas:
A detailed discussion of specific ethical conduct under each of these three general categories will give the licensee an excellent basis upon which to conduct an ethical practice of real estate.
NAR members are required to complete 2.5 hours of Ethics training every three years. This course qualifies towards your good membership standing with NAR. NAR members must now take an ethics course or training equivalency from a local, state, or national REALTOR® association to receive credit towards their Code of Ethics training requirement.
This course is composed of 3 hours of reading material. The course is divided into five segments with review quizzes at the end of each segment.
At the end of the course an optional final examination is available. The final examination consists of 20 questions. After completing the Oregon Real Estate Agency mandated seat time, an Oregon real estate continuing education certificate will be available for printing.
This course complies with all guidelines provided by the National Association of REALTORS®. However, official approval is determined by a state or local association of REALTORS®. Please check with applicable authorities to determine whether this course satisfies your educational requirements.
This course will remain available to students for 730 days after enrollment.
Course ID: 1038-1058
Credit Hours Provided: 4
Category: Real Estate Contracts
All licensees involved in the practice of real estate are necessarily involved in the preparation and negotiation of contracts. This advanced Oregon real estate contract law course builds upon the basic principles of contract law. In this advanced contracts course, the licensee will build upon their basic contract law knowledge to include concepts beyond the basics. The licensee will be introduced to the numerous problems which may arise in the formation, interpretation, and performance of a contract which may affect its validity. The licensee will also learn how the concepts of assignment and delegation may apply to a real estate related contract.
Conditions and contingencies are involved in most real estate transactions. In the discussion of conditions and contingencies the licensee will be introduced to how conditions impact most contracts. The licensee will also learn how to draft contingencies and their implications in the typical real estate transaction.
Finally, the licensee will be introduced to the concept of breach of contact and will learn the resulting consequences of a contract breach along with the many possible remedies available to the injured party. The licensee will also be introduced to the concept of tort liability as it applies to the breach of contracts and its impact on potential litigation in which a licensee may become involved.
The Oregon real estate contract law course contains approximately 4 hours of reading material. The course is divided into four sections. Review quizzes are at the end of each of the course segments.
An optional final examination is required at the end of the Oregon contract law real estate course. The final examination consists of 20 questions. After completing the Oregon Real Estate Agency mandated seat time, an Oregon real estate continuing education certificate will be available for printing
This course will remain available to students for 730 days after enrollment.
Course ID: 1038-1071
Credit Hours Provided: 4
Category: Agency Relationships
This course is designed to give the licensee a comprehensive overview of buyer agency. The history of the shift from mandatory sub-agency to buyer representation that converted the buyer from a customer to a client is discussed in great detail.
Once the buyer was given client status, the agent representing the buyer was required to perform his/her duties according to the high fiduciary standards of agency law. These fiduciary duties are discussed along with the duties the buyer's agent owes to third parties.
Brokerage company agency policy options are evaluated in the context of buyer agency.
Buyer Representation Agreements are discussed along with the various stages that a buyer's agent must necessarily go through during the representation of a buyer-client. Finally, a brief discussion regarding the marketing of a buyer's agent services is presented.
This course is composed of approximately 4 hours of reading material and videos. The course is divided into segments. Review quizzes are at the end of segment 2, 3, 4, and 5.
At the end of the course, an optional final examination is available. The final examination consists of 20 multiple choice questions. After completing the Oregon Real Estate Agency mandated seat time, an Oregon real estate continuing education certificate will be available for printing.
This course will remain available to students for 730 days after enrollment.
Course ID: 1038-1109
Credit Hours Provided: 1
Category: Real Estate Economics
This course is an overview of legalized marijuana on the real estate industry. State legalization of marijuana is of special interest to real estate professionals because it raises issues in both residential and commercial real estate. Licensees must evaluate the ethical implications involved, including reporting requirements and the level of expertise needed to properly assist clients and customers. Commercial and residential landlords must understand their rights under the law, raising the potential problem of unauthorized practice of law already familiar to real estate professionals.
This course will start with a general overview of the marijuana industry and look at the economical impact it has on states. We'll then go over some considerations when dealing with marijuana and real estate property. Finally we'll cover Oregon-specific issues. It does not contain instructions on how to properly grow or cultivate marijuana.
This one-hour course is divided into five sections. An optional 10-question final exam is presented at the end of the course. After completing the Oregon Real Estate Agency mandated seat time, an Oregon real estate continuing education certificate will be available for printing.
This course will remain available to students for 730 days after enrollment.
Course ID: 1038-1143
Credit Hours Provided: 3
Category: Real Estate Finance
This course provides a survey of non-traditional mortgage products. Although real estate agents do not originate mortgage loans, understanding what mortgage products are available to clients will help real estate licensees provide a better client experience. It will also provide awareness of potential difficulties in the real estate transaction when clients opt for non-traditional mortgages.
The mortgage programs covered in this course are:
This course contains seven chapters of text, with a quiz at the end of each chapter. At the end of the course is an optional final exam. A course completion certificate for Oregon real estate continuing education credit will be issued after completing the OREA-required seat time.
This course will remain available to students for 730 days after enrollment.
Course ID: 1038-1142
Credit Hours Provided: 3
Category: Water Rights
In this course, we will cover the information that a real estate agent should know about surface and groundwater. The course is aimed at real estate professionals working in Oregon and will focus on understanding the laws, regulations, and unique situations of that state.
The course will be broken into several parts:
By the end of this course, you should have a working knowledge of basic water law in Oregon. You should broadly know why water law is relevant to your practice and what looming problems there may be in your state. In general, your client will look to your knowledge as an indicator of how knowledgeable you are on the subject, so continue familiarizing yourself with the finer details and region-specific information as you practice. Lastly, you will have a working understanding of groundwater issues such as how to obtain a well log, how to check the well for contaminants, and the expenses involved in renovating or digging a new well.
This course contains four chapters of text, with a quiz at the end of each chapter. At the end of the course is an optional final exam. A course completion certificate for Oregon real estate continuing education credit will be issued after completing the OREA-required seat time.
This course will remain available to students for 730 days after enrollment.
Course ID: 1038-1075
Credit Hours Provided: 1
Category: Risk Management
As a real estate agent, you will often be working alone. This could potentially place you in uncomfortable or dangerous situations. In this course, you will learn how to recognize that personal safety risks are present in the industry, what you can do to protect yourself from these risks, learn about the types of crimes against real estate professionals, and how you can develop and implement a Personal Safety Program.
This 1-hour course contains online reading material. A 5-question optional final exam is presented at the end of the course. After completing the Oregon Real Estate Agency mandated seat time, an Oregon real estate continuing education certificate will be available for printing.
This course will remain available to students for 730 days after enrollment.
Course ID: 1038-1073
Credit Hours Provided: 3
Category: Fair Housing Laws and Policy
This course is designed to give a historical overview of the Federal Fair Housing Laws and an in-depth discussion of the individual laws and their application to the practice of real estate. The course emphasizes anti-discriminatory conduct which all licensees should practice. The course concludes by discussing the voluntary affirmative action marketing program (VAMA) and why promoting fair housing laws is a positive force at work in this state and throughout the nation.
This course is composed of 3 hours of reading material divided into 5 chapters. Review questions are placed in between reading sections, with a quiz at the end of each chapter.
Students have an optional final exam at the end of the course. The final exam consists of 15 questions. After completing the Oregon Real Estate Agency mandated seat time, an Oregon real estate continuing education certificate will be available for printing.
This course will remain available to students for 730 days after enrollment.
Course ID: 1038-1068
Credit Hours Provided: 3
Category: Property Management
This course defines and explores what property management is and who must be licensed to conduct property management activity. The course also focuses on agency relationships in the practice of property management and the rules which apply to a property management business. The course also provides a comprehensive review of Oregon Landlord and Tenant Law.
This course contains 3 hours of online reading material. At the end of the course is a 15-question optional final exam in multiple choice format. After completing the Oregon Real Estate Agency mandated seat time, an Oregon real estate continuing education certificate will be available for printing.
This course will remain available to students for 730 days after enrollment.
Course ID: 1038-1063
Credit Hours Provided: 4
Category: Real Estate Property Evaluation, Appraisal and Valuation
This course is designed to give a detailed discussion of the items that may be included in a professional home inspection report along with the common characteristics of most inspection reports and inspection procedures.
This residential property inspection course is organized by looking at the structure from the exterior, the interior, the major house systems, and environmental hazards. The course also examines the role of the licensee in the inspection process, the seller, and agent property disclosure requirements and the buyer's obligations with respect to reliance upon a seller's representations as to the condition of the property.
This property inspector training course is divided into five chapters, with a short quiz at the end of each chapter.
A 20-question optional final exam in multiple-choice format is presented at the end of the course. After completing the Oregon Real Estate Agency mandated seat time, an Oregon real estate continuing education certificate will be available for printing.
This course will remain available to students for 730 days after enrollment.
Course ID: 1038-1064
Credit Hours Provided: 4
Category: Risk Management
This course is designed to demonstrate that risk management should be viewed as a positive strategy that will provide for increased profits. Any risk that develops into a problem will necessarily cost money to solve. The course introduces the student to the concept of risk and potential consequences that risk presents if not managed properly. The student is introduced to the three main areas of legal liability: contract, tort, and violation of law. Then the specific major areas of risk are discussed in detail. These risks are grouped for discussion purposes under agency, fair housing, environmental issues and anti-trust law. The course also provides the student with a strategy, which if followed, will assist the licensee in minimizing risk and thereby increasing profit.
This course is composed of 4 hours of reading material divided into 4 chapters. Review questions are placed in between reading sections, along with topic discussions and quizzes.
Students have an optional final exam at the end of the course. The final exam consists of 20 questions. After completing the Oregon Real Estate Agency mandated seat time, an Oregon real estate continuing education certificate will be available for printing.
This course will remain available to students for 730 days after enrollment.
Course ID: 1038-1077
Credit Hours Provided: 2
Category: Real Estate Title and Real Estate Escrow
The escrow portion of this course discusses escrow from opening to closing, how to compose proper escrow instructions, how to protect your brokerage fee, the final closing statement, and all other aspects of escrow. The title insurance portion discusses how to read the title report, easements and encumbrances, the real estate agent's responsibility with respect to the title report, ALTA policies, deed vesting, and a host of other issues relevant to title insurance. There is no math in this course.
This course consists of two hours of online reading materials. At the end of the course is an optional 10-question final exam of multiple choice format. After completing the Oregon Real Estate Agency mandated seat time, an Oregon real estate continuing education certificate will be available for printing.
This course will remain available to students for 730 days after enrollment.
Course ID: 1038-1069
Credit Hours Provided: 1
Category: Real Estate Title
You all get them, but few read them. Even fewer understand them. This enlightening and informative course takes you on a written tour of a title insurance plant and explains what is involved in researching title to real property, the different methods used to perform that research and explains how a commitment for title insurance is prepared.
This course contains 1 hour of reading material. An optional 5-question final exam is presented at the end of the course. After completing the Oregon Real Estate Agency mandated seat time, an Oregon real estate continuing education certificate will be available for printing.
This course will remain available to students for 730 days after enrollment.
Course ID: 1038-1074
Credit Hours Provided: 3
Category: Real Estate Finance
This course will go over each section of the new loan disclosures that will be implemented in October 2015: the Loan Estimate and the Closing Disclosure. These two forms will replace the Good Faith Estimate (GFE) and the HUD-1 Settlement Statement. It is anticipated that these two new forms of loan disclosures will make it easier for consumers to understand the terms of their loan as well as allow them to easily shop for other lenders.
Real estate agents may also want to become familiar with these forms, as they will be used as part of every real estate transaction as of October 3, 2015. While an agent will not be completing these forms, it is a good idea to be aware of the layout of the form, the different sections of the form, and how those in the financial profession will complete the form for the agent's property buyer.
The first part of this course will review the 3-page Loan Estimate, and the second part of the course will cover the 5-page Closing Disclosure. This course will take approximately 3 hours to complete.
At the end of the course is an optional 15-question final exam that students can use to check their understanding of the two new disclosure documents. After completing the Oregon Real Estate Agency mandated seat time, an Oregon real estate continuing education certificate will be available for printing.
This course will remain available to students for 730 days after enrollment.
Course ID: 1038-1061
Credit Hours Provided: 1
Category: Real Estate Contracts
Conditions and contingencies will be found in almost every real estate purchase and sale agreement. A purchase may be contingent on the buyer receiving a loan to purchase the property, the seller locating and purchasing a replacement property, or even inspection reports that confirm the condition of the property being purchased.
It is important real estate licensees to understand the law relating to them, since real estate sale agreement provisions may not become an affirmative duty until the happening of a contingency or condition. Neglecting these issues in the real estate contract may result in a unhappy buyer or seller.
This one-hour course will discuss methods to use when writing a contingency, how to write a contingency for the benefit of your client, and how to write iron- clad contingencies that do not provide wiggle room for either party.
At the end of the course is an optional 10-question final exam. After completing the Oregon Real Estate Agency mandated seat time, an Oregon real estate continuing education certificate will be available for printing.
This course will remain available to students for 730 days after enrollment.
Course ID: 1038-1144
Credit Hours Provided: 3
Category: Real Estate Consumer Protection
This course explains the importance for real estate licensees to be proactive against online threats to their business and their clients. This course will describe cybersecurity, cyber threats, and responses to those threats.
The course is broken into three sections:
This Oregon real estate course consists of three chapters of online reading materials. At the end of each chapter is an optional 5-question quiz. An optional final exam is presented at the end of the course. A continuing education course completion certificate usable towards Oregon REA continuing education requirements will be issued after completing the course.
This course will remain available to students for 730 days after enrollment.
Course ID: 1038-1149
Credit Hours Provided: 3
Category: Fair Housing Laws and Policy
This course explains the impact of racial discrimination and its impact on citizens' right to fair housing. We'll cover the actual history of discrimination and how it relates to various segments of the population. We also addressed systemic racism and unconscious and conscious bias that is a predominant characteristic of our current American experience.
We'll then explore the role of federal, state, and local governments in fair housing law, along with the types of housing covered by federal law, review fair housing practices that can lead to discrimination, and examine the protections that prohibit discrimination in lending.
This course is composed of 3 hours of reading material divided into 6 chapters. An optional quiz is located at the end of each chapter.
Students have an optional final exam at the end of the course. The final exam consists of 15 questions. After completing the Oregon Real Estate Agency mandated seat time, an Oregon real estate continuing education certificate will be available for printing.
This course will remain available to students for 730 days after enrollment.
Course ID: 1038-1224
Credit Hours Provided: 3
Category: Real Estate Law And Regulation
This 2024-2025 law and rule required course is designed to inform Oregon licensees of new law changes relating to real estate as passed by the Oregon Legislature. The Oregon Real Estate Agency requires that all licensees take a Law And Rule Required Course (LARRC) as part of their 30 hours of continuing education credit.
The topics covered in this LARRC course are:
This Oregon real estate course consists of timed video presentations and online reading materials. This course does not contain a final exam. A continuing education course completion certificate usable towards Oregon REA continuing education requirements will be issued after completing the course and its mandated seat time.
This course will remain available to students until midnight on December 31st, 2025
Course ID: 1038-1150
Credit Hours Provided: 1
Category: Real Estate Proeprty Evaluation, Appraisal, or Valuation
This course illustrates the importance of appraiser independence requirements. We will review these requirements as outlined by various federal regulations, agencies and published guidance.
In this course you'll learn how to
This course is approximately 1 hour of written text and contains optional quizzes and final exam. A continuing education course completion certificate usable towards Oregon REA continuing education requirements will be issued after completing the mandatory course seat time.
This course will remain available to students for 730 days after enrollment.