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Florida Sales Associate Post Licensing Course

Required real estate post-license course for new Florida Sales Associates.

New real estate agent? This is the post-licensing course you need for first-time license renewal. Take the course entirely online. 45 credit hours. Includes audio playback that reads the course to you. Intended for Florida real estate sales associates only.

$109.00  |  45 Hours

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Florida Real Estate Postlicensing for Sales Associates

Course ID: 0030891

Credit Hours Provided: 45

Category: Post Licensing

View Course Syllabus

This Florida Real Estate Post-licensing for Sales Associates (FREPSA) course, is a 45-credit-hour review and applied principles course for newly licensed sales associates beginning their real estate careers in Florida. Successful completion of this course will satisfy your one-time post-license requirement as a sales associate actively practicing real estate in Florida.

Our FREPSA course covers three main themes:

  1. Key-Point Review of Critical Laws and Regulations: A key-point review of the most critical laws and regulations impacting your current practice, including license-related regulations, brokerage relationships, disclosures, and professional practices that form the foundation of professional practice. This section also includes a brief review of rules and regulations framing compliant practices in advertising, fair housing, and brokerage operations.
  2. Advanced, Transaction-Related Brokerage Practices: A deeper exposure to advanced, transaction-related brokerage practices is essential for success, covering topics such as market analysis, pricing, investment principles, construction knowledge, obtaining and marketing listings, and managing the pre-closing period.

  3. Additional Perspectives on Real Estate Practice: Presenting perspectives that add valuable dimensions to your practice, including property management, real estate-related insurance, and risk management. For those interested in a brush-up, the course concludes with a comprehensive review of transaction-related math formulas and calculations.

Course Subjects

This course will explore the following topics:

  1. Real Estate Specializations
  2. FL License Law Review
  3. FL Brokerage Relationships Review
  4. Property Disclosures & Professional Practices
  5. Brokerage Practice Regulations
  6. Fair Housing and Landlord-Tenant Laws
  7. Condos, Co-ops, Timeshares, HOAs, CDDs
  8. Foreclosures and Short Sales
  9. Real Estate Market Economics
  10. Estimating Property Value
  11. Real Property Investment Analysis
  12. Property Insurance
  13. Risk Management
  14. Property Management
  15. Construction Terminology
  16. Elements of the Listing Process
  17. Inside the Sales Contract
  18. Real Estate Mathematics

Course Completion Requirements

Each chapter of this post-licensing course contains reading material and online assessment activities followed by an end-of-section review quiz. All testing is completed and graded online. 

A final exam is presented at the end of the course. The final exam contains 100 multiple choice questions with a 3-hour time limit and a minimum passing score of 75%. Under Florida Administration Code, you have two attempts at passing this course final exam. Each attempt will contain a different set of test questions. Students that fail this course's final exam two times must retake the course from the beginning (FAC 61J2-3.020(8)(a)).

Instructor Support

You will be assigned an instructor when you register. You may contact your instructor by email if you have questions regarding the content. Your instructor’s contact information will be found in the Instructor section after accessing the Course Overview page

This course will remain available to students for 365 days after enrollment.

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Key Features
Online Course
All learning is online. Start immediately. Learn on your own schedule.
Read-Along Audio
Page-by-page audio reads the course content to you.
PDF & EPUB eBook
Includes PDF/EPUB eBook of all reading material for your phone, tablet, or Kindle.
Printable Certificate
Download and print your own certificate.
Package Summary
Price: $109.00 (USD)
Credit Hours: 45
State: Florida
Category: Vocational Training > Real Estate > Continuing Education > Florida > Post Licensing
Purpose: Required real estate post-license course for new Florida Sales Associates.
Course Provider

14355 SW ALLEN BLVD STE 240,
Portland, OR 97223
(503) 670-9278


Our Mission Statement

To provide superior distance education that exceeds industry standards and expectations in course content and delivery methods to those who seek to enter a new profession and those engaged in a profession.

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