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Recharge! The Skills You Need to Succeed

Raise your business to the next level of production.

$150.00  |  Kansas  |  Online Course  |  Keynote Professional Development

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RECHARGE is a 15-hour video learning event designed for agents who want to raise their business to the next level of production. This is a perfect program for top producing agents who want to sharpen their business skills or new agents who want to build their business on the right foundation.

The four parts are:

Zan’s mission is to inspire agents to be more productive, earn more, work less and live a better life. Zan Monroe is an international speaker, author, coach and entrepreneur, who started his first business at the age of 16, and his first corporation at the age of 21. Zan has published two best-selling books, Stories of Uncle Adrian and 7 Lessons for Success and is currently writing his next book titled Building Leaders.

Cost: $150.00 Optional GRI credit available

This program does not issue continuing education (CE) credit. 

(parts may be purchased individually)

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Key Features
Online Course
All learning is online. Start immediately. Learn on your own schedule.
Includes Video
Video segments highlight important points.
Downloadable Workbook
Downloadable workbook includes worksheets and exercises
Printable Certificate
Download and print your own certificate.
Add Kansas GRI Course Credit Optional
Kansas Association of REALTORS members can earn 8 GRI credits for completing the four courses in the Recharge! program and passing this final exam.
Package Summary
Price: $150.00 (USD)
State: Kansas
Category: Vocational Training > Real Estate > Professional Development > Kansas > Keynote Professional Development
Purpose: Raise your business to the next level of production!
Course Provider

Kansas Association of REALTORS®
3644 SW Burlingame Road,
Topeka, KS 66611
(800) 366-0069

Courses Included In This Package:

Recharge! 1 - Planning Your Success

Category: Keynote Professional Development

View Course Syllabus

This is a non-credit course. Not for license renewals.

In RECHARGE! 1 - Planning Your Success you will be given the tools necessary to plan your success. We will discuss how the correct belief system creates success in your life and business. You will learn how to work less and earn more and how to improve your focus. We will finish with a discussion of my latest book, 7 Lessons for Success.

If you are interested in creating success in your life and business, this is the course for you!

Learning topics covered in this course are:

  • Planning Your Success
  • A Belief System for Success
  • Work Less – Earn More
  • 7 Lessons for Success

Program Content
Each learning topic will begin with an informational video lecture from the program instructor, followed by interactive activities to expand upon the topic's subject.

Although this program is largely self-guided, you may contact your instructor, Zan Monroe, at Zan@ZanMonroe.com if you have questions or concerns about the program content.

Issuance of Credit
After completing the four parts of the Recharge program, you will receive a link to download a completion certificate. This certificate can be printed on your personal printer. 

Technology Requirements
This program is compatible with all major web browsers and operating systems. This includes Internet Edge and current versions of Chrome, Safari, Opera, and Firefox. Current Android and iOS mobile devices are supported.

Program Access
Access to this program is allowed for 45 days. The program will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, unless there is scheduled system maintenance. If this program is not completed within the given amount of time, a reinstatement fee may be charged.

Cancellation and Refund Policies
No refunds are available for this program. Cancellation requires no notification and students may discontinue the program at any time. 

This course will remain available to students for 120 days after enrollment.

Recharge! 2 - Building a Business for Life

Category: Keynote Professional Development

View Course Syllabus

This is a non-credit course. Not for license renewals.

In RECHARGE! 2 - Building a Business for Life, you will learn how to build a business that is sustainable in all types of real estate markets. We will discuss how to create raving fans with regular communications with your database. You will learn how to build your marketing with content from your head and your heart. We will discuss the 10 Marketing Miracles that will produce results and how the 17-Hour Work Week will keep you focused. We will show you how to start each day with a proven Morning Ritual and a special guest will join us to discuss Social Media Marketing. If you want to build your business, this is the course for you. Take it now!

Learning topics covered in this course are:

  • Building a Database
  • Client Communication Program
  • Ten Marketing Miracles
  • Seventeen Hour Work Week
  • How to Social Sell

Program Content
Each learning topic will begin with an informational video lecture from the program instructor, followed by interactive activities to expand upon the topic's subject.

Although this program is largely self-guided, you may contact your instructor, Zan Monroe, at Zan@ZanMonroe.com if you have questions or concerns about the program content.

Issuance of Credit
After completing the four parts of the Recharge program, you will receive a link to download a completion certificate. This certificate can be printed on your personal printer. 

Technology Requirements
This program is compatible with all major web browsers and operating systems. This includes Internet Edge and current versions of Chrome, Safari, Opera, and Firefox. Current Android and iOS mobile devices are supported.

Program Access
Access to this program is allowed for 45 days. The program will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, unless there is scheduled system maintenance. If this program is not completed within the given amount of time, a reinstatement fee may be charged.

Cancellation and Refund Policies
No refunds are available for this program. Cancellation requires no notification and students may discontinue the program at any time. 

This course will remain available to students for 120 days after enrollment.

Recharge! 3 - Working with Buyers and Sellers

Category: Keynote Professional Development

View Course Syllabus

This is a non-credit course. Not for license renewals.

In RECHARGE! 3 - Working with Buyers and Sellers, you will learn a sales presentation that allows you to determine your client’s personality type, their learning style and the stage of the buying/selling process they are at. We will show you World’s Greatest Listing Presentation, which was created by asking thousands of professional agents the order and sequence of a great listing presentation. We will show you how to use the Ten-Step Buyer Process to retain every buyer.

If you are working with buyers and sellers in today’s real estate market, this course is for you!

Learning topics covered in this course are

  • Selling in Today’s World
  • Four Personality Types
  • Ten Step Buyer Process
  • World’s Greatest Listing Presentation

Program Content
Each learning topic will begin with an informational video lecture from the program instructor, followed by interactive activities to expand upon the topic's subject.

Although this program is largely self-guided, you may contact your instructor, Zan Monroe, at Zan@ZanMonroe.com if you have questions or concerns about the program content.

Issuance of Credit
After completing the four parts of the Recharge program, you will receive a link to download a completion certificate. This certificate can be printed on your personal printer. 

Technology Requirements
This program is compatible with all major web browsers and operating systems. This includes Internet Edge and current versions of Chrome, Safari, Opera, and Firefox. Current Android and iOS mobile devices are supported.

Program Access
Access to this program is allowed for 45 days. The program will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, unless there is scheduled system maintenance. If this program is not completed within the given amount of time, a reinstatement fee may be charged.

Cancellation and Refund Policies
No refunds are available for this program. Cancellation requires no notification and students may discontinue the program at any time. 

This course will remain available to students for 120 days after enrollment.

Recharge! 4 - Pricing and Positioning Houses To Sell

Category: Keynote Professional Development

View Course Syllabus

This is a non-credit course. Not for license renewals.

In RECHARGE! 4 - Pricing and Positioning Houses to Sell you will learn how to list the houses that are going to sell by using Absorption Rate Pricing. You will learn how to determine how much time it will take to sell a house in your market. You will learn how to calculate Supply and Demand, the Market Flow Rate and Odds of Selling. We will teach you how to Position Homes to Sell rapidly. Pricing and Positioning Houses to Sell contains the most powerful information in the real estate industry today.

Take this course NOW!

Learning topics covered in this course are:

  • Absorption Rate Pricing
  • Absorption Trend Analysis
  • Market FLOW rate and Odds of Selling
  • Positioning Your Home to Sell

Program Content
Each learning topic will begin with an informational video lecture from the program instructor, followed by interactive activities to expand upon the topic's subject.

Although this program is largely self-guided, you may contact your instructor, Zan Monroe, at Zan@ZanMonroe.com if you have questions or concerns about the program content.

Issuance of Credit
After completing the four parts of the Recharge program, you will receive a link to download a completion certificate. This certificate can be printed on your personal printer. 

Technology Requirements
This program is compatible with all major web browsers and operating systems. This includes Internet Edge and current versions of Chrome, Safari, Opera, and Firefox. Current Android and iOS mobile devices are supported.

Program Access
Access to this program is allowed for 45 days. The program will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, unless there is scheduled system maintenance. If this program is not completed within the given amount of time, a reinstatement fee may be charged.

Cancellation and Refund Policies
No refunds are available for this program. Cancellation requires no notification and students may discontinue the program at any time. 

This course will remain available to students for 120 days after enrollment.

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