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Buyer Agency

Online continuing education course for real estate license renewal in Washington.

Be the most effective advocate for your buyers that you can be with this essential course on buyer agency.

$19.00  |  4 Hours

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Buyer Agency

Course ID: C22017297

Credit Hours Provided: 4

Category: Non-Core

View Course Syllabus

Course Goals:

This course is designed to give the licensee a comprehensive overview of buyer agency. The history of the shift from mandatory sub-agency to buyer representation that converted the buyer from a customer to a client is discussed in great detail.

Once the buyer was given client status, the agent representing the buyer was required to perform his/her duties according to the high fiduciary standards of agency law. These fiduciary duties are discussed along with the duties the buyer's agent owes to third parties.

Brokerage company agency policy options are evaluated in the context of buyer agency.

Buyer Representation Agreements are discussed along with the various stages that a buyer's agent must necessarily go through during the representation of a buyer-client. Finally, a brief discussion regarding the marketing of a buyer's agent services is presented.

Course Details:

This course is composed of approximately 4 hours of reading material and videos. The course is divided into segments. Review quizzes are at the end of each segment.

At the end of the course a final examination is required. The final examination consists of 15 questions. A test score of 70% or greater is required for course completion. The final examination is not downloadable or printable.


Refunds for this course are subject to the refund policy set forth in OnlineEd's terms of service.


This course has no prerequisites.

This course will remain available to students for 730 days after enrollment.

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Key Features
Includes Video
Video segments highlight important points.
Printable Certificate
Download and print your own certificate.
PDF & EPUB eBook
Includes PDF/EPUB eBook of all reading material for your phone, tablet, or Kindle.
Package Summary
Price: $19.00 (USD)
Credit Hours: 4
State: Washington
Category: Vocational Training > Real Estate > Continuing Education > Washington > Non-Core
Purpose: Online continuing education course for real estate license renewal in Washington
Course Provider

14355 SW ALLEN BLVD STE 240,
Portland, OR 97223
(503) 670-9278


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To provide superior distance education that exceeds industry standards and expectations in course content and delivery methods to those who seek to enter a new profession and those engaged in a profession.

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