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FREC I Florida Sales Associate Prelicense Training [Premium]

Complete 63-hour sales associate training course with printed textbook and bonus exam prep module.

Deluxe training bundle to get your Florida real estate sales associate license. Includes online exam prep and printed textbooks.

$299.00  |  63 Hours

+ $15.00 Shipping and Handling

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This real estate training course package covers the 63-hour Florida Real Estate Commission (FREC) I course syllabus and has been approved by the commission for instructing real estate sales associate candidates to take the FREC I licensing exam. The features included in this Florida real estate sales associate course package are:

  • FREC Course I: Florida Real Estate Sales Associate License Training - This online course contains 19 chapters of information for incoming Florida real estate license trainees. Students will learn a variety of FREC-mandated topics such as the foundation of the real estate business, Florida real estate licensing regulations and statutes, agency relationships, compliance with local and federal laws, real property laws, mortgages and financing options, and much more. This course covers 63 hours of course material with assessments to help you become a well-trained and knowledgeable sales associate.

  • FREC Course I Textbook - This 675-page softbound textbook is a print copy of the online FREC I course materials. This book can be used for reference and as a study aid. Please note that the FREC I course is designed for online delivery and the textbook is not required for course completion. The textbook is offered as a convenience for those who prefer to study away from their computer and as an additional study aid. The FREC I book is NOT a substitute for our online course. While the book will follow the online course outline, printed text may vary due to online updates. Quizzes and final exams are required to be taken online.

  • Florida Real Estate License Exam Prep - This online study guide is another resource for sales associate candidates to help pass the state licensing exam. Each chapter contains important topics that students should study as well as 16 study exams to re-enforce these important points. At the end of the course is a 100-question exam configured similarly to the state licensing exam. This course is not required for completing the FREC-mandated education.

  • Exam Prep and Math Prep Books - Bonus printed volumes help you prepare for the real estate exam. Contains similar multiple choice questions to those you would find on the real test. A separate book focuses on basic real estate math questions on topics such as area and value calculations.

The FREC I online course also comes with an instructor to help guide students who are new to the real estate industry. Students can contact their instructor by email or by telephone.

Please see the Florida real estate sales associate course descriptions below for more information and to download a syllabus for the course.

Learn More

Key Features
Online Course
All learning is online. Start immediately. Learn on your own schedule.
Includes Video
Video segments highlight important points.
Read-Along Audio
Page-by-page audio reads the course content to you.
Printable Certificate
Download and print your own certificate.
PDF & EPUB eBook
Includes PDF/EPUB eBook of all reading material for your phone, tablet, or Kindle.
Practice Tests
Large bank of test questions familiarize you with licensing exam topics.
Test Simulator
Practice tests simulate a real licensing exam and help you mentally prepare.
Printed Textbook
Exam Prep Book
Real Estate Math Book
Images & Screenshots
Package Summary
Price: $299.00 (USD)
+ $15.00 Shipping and Handling
Credit Hours: 63
State: Florida
Category: Vocational Training > Real Estate > License Training > Florida
Purpose: Complete 63-hour sales associate training course with printed textbook and bonus exam prep module.
Course Provider

14355 SW ALLEN BLVD STE 240,
Portland, OR 97223
(503) 670-9278


Enrollment Agreement

Purchase of this package requires that you read and acknowledge an Enrollment Agreement before receiving credit for any courses contained in this package. Please review the following:

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To provide superior distance education that exceeds industry standards and expectations in course content and delivery methods to those who seek to enter a new profession and those engaged in a profession.

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Courses Included In This Package:

FREC Course I: Florida Sales Associate License Training

Course ID: 0030493

Credit Hours Provided: 63

Category: Pre-License

View Course Syllabus

Individuals who want to practice real estate in the State of Florida are required to be licensed with the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulations (DBPR). This online course meets DBPR and Florida Real Estate Commission (FREC) requirements to train licensee applicants on how to participate in the real estate industry as a real estate sales associate.

The 63-hour FREC Course I: Florida Real Estate Sales Associate course covers the required educational study topics as outlined by the FREC. The chapters covered in this course are:

  1. Course Overview: The Real Estate Business
  2. Real Estate License Law and Qualifications for Licensure
  3. Real Estate License Law and Commission Rules
  4. Authorized Relationships, Duties and Disclosure
  5. Real Estate Brokerage Activities and Procedures
  6. Violations Of License Law, Penalties and Procedures
  7. Federal and State Laws Pertaining to Real Estate
  8. Property Rights
  9. Title, Deeds, and Ownership Restrictions
  10. Legal Descriptions
  11. Real Estate Contracts
  12. Residential Mortgages
  13. Types of Mortgages and Sources of Financing
  14. Real Estate Related Computations and Closing of Transactions
  15. The Real Estate Markets and Analysis
  16. Real Estate Appraisal
  17. Real Estate Investments and Business Opportunity Brokerage
  18. Taxes Affecting Real Estate
  19. Planning, Zoning, and Environmental Hazards

This 63 hour Florida real estate sales associate license course is presented in an online format that allows students to complete the course at their own pace. This course can be viewed on your desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or mobile device. The chapters in the course contains reading materials, videos, and small quizzes to help enforce the concepts taught in the chapter.

At the end of the course is a 100-question final exam. Florida regulations allow students only two attempts at the final exam. If a student fails the final exam the first time, then a 30-day waiting period is enacted. Once the 30 days have elapsed, the student may take a second attempt to pass the final exam. If the exam is failed a second time, then the student will fail the course. Please keep these regulations in mind when preparing for the course final exam.

How to Become a Real Estate Sales Associate in Florida

To obtain a Florida real estate sales associate license, the Department of Business and Professional Regulations (DBPR) requires that an applicant must be at least 18 years of age or older, hold a high school diploma or equivalent, complete a 63-hour prelicense course, and pass the state licensing exam with a score of 70% or higher.

The FREC I Course

The FREC I course will meet the educational requirements to take the real estate sales associate state licensing exam. The course will take approximately 52 hours to complete (63 "clock hours" of 50 minutes each) and covers the topics as outlined by the FREC.

Applying for a License

Either before or after passing the FREC I final exam, you will apply for a sales associate license with the DBPR. Sales associate candidates must apply to the DBPR before they will be permitted to schedule the state licensing exam with Pearson VUE, the state's licensing exam proctor. Applying for the sales associate license will be done through the DBPR's myfloridalicense.com website or by mailing in a paper application. For online applications, you will need to first create an account to use the DBPR Online Services:

After submitting the application, the DBPR will notify Pearson VUE once the application has been approved. Pearson VUE will then send an authorization letter, notifying you that you qualify to take the state licensing exam. The FREC I pre-licensure course completion certificate will be presented at the license exam testing center and not at the time of applying for the sales associate license.


You may have your fingerprints electronically filed either before or after you submit your license application. Fingerprinting must be done through the Florida Department of Law Enforcement's LiveScan Program. You can find a LiveScan location on the FDLE's web site. There are locations throughout the state and each may have its own set of fees you will have to pay. It is recommended that you call your selected location to check on available hours and fee requirements.

Passing the State Exam

After you receive an authorization letter from Pearson VUE that you qualify for the sales associate licensing exam, you may contact them at 1-888-204-6289 to schedule the exam. You may also schedule from their website, pearsonvue.com. At registration, you will be asked for the candidate information number listed on the authorization letter. There are testing centers in many areas of the state (e.g., Orlando, Jacksonville, Coral Gables, and Lakeland to name a few). 

The test will be delivered electronically via computer and contains 100 multiple-choice questions. Candidates will have three and a half hours to complete the exam with a score of 75% or higher. An exam report will be issued immediately upon completing the exam.

Activating Your License

Once the DBPR has been notified of your successful license exam test results, which can take up to 48 hours, a sales associate license will be issued to you in inactive status. You cannot practice real estate until your license has become active. Florida sales associates need to be supervised by a licensed Florida real estate broker to ensure that regulations are followed as well as to protect the real estate buying public. You will need to find a responsible broker to work under. That broker can use the DBPR Online Services to activate your license under their broker's license.

This course will remain available to students for 365 days after enrollment.

Florida Real Estate License Exam Prep

This online study guide is geared towards helping Florida sales associate licensee candidates study for and pass the FREC I Sales Associate licensing exam. This exam prep course is divided into four parts:

  • Part 1: Law and License Review - This chapter of the course goes through the important topics that are important for exam candidates to be familiar with. The chapter is divide into 19 sections that give summaries of topics such as DBPR licensee violations and penalties, real estate legal descriptions, transaction closings, appraisals, and more.

  • Part 2: Real Estate Math Review - When practicing real estate, it is important for licensees to have a general working knowledge of mathematic-related formulas such as estimating square footage of a property, determining how much a monthly condominium assessment might be, knowing how much commission you'll earn on a transaction, understanding the rate of return for an owner looking to rent their property, and so on. This chapter will review many math formulas that are used by practicing real estate professionals.

  • Part 3: Practice Tests - This section contains 20 quizzes on the topics outlined in Part 1 of the stud guide. These practice quizzes are set up in a progressive format, which allows students to re-test themselves on the questions they keep answering incorrectly. The quizzes can be taken multiple times. Resetting the quiz progress will return the questions answered correctly into the quiz again for further remediation.

  • Part 4: Florida Sales Associate License Exam Simulation Test - This test is configured to simulate the sales associate licensing exam. Students will be served 100 questions and have 3.5 hours to complete as many questions as possible. Passing this exam requires a minimum score of 75%. This practice test can be repeated multiple times.

This exam prep course is not required for meeting the education requirements to take the FREC I licensing exam, but may help assist students be better prepared for the exam.

This course will remain available to students for 365 days after enrollment.

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