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[Standard] Oregon General Lines Insurance Adjuster

License training course to prepare for the General Lines Insurance Adjuster exam with video reviews.


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Includes Video
Video segments highlight important points.
PDF & EPUB eBook
Includes PDF/EPUB eBook of all reading material for your phone, tablet, or Kindle.
Images & Screenshots
Package Summary
Price: $165.00 (USD)
State: Oregon
Category: Vocational Training > Insurance > License Training > Oregon
Course Provider

14355 SW ALLEN BLVD STE 240,
Portland, OR 97223
(503) 670-9278


Our Mission Statement

To provide superior distance education that exceeds industry standards and expectations in course content and delivery methods to those who seek to enter a new profession and those engaged in a profession.

Courses Included In This Package:

[Standard] Oregon General Lines Insurance Adjuster

View Course Syllabus

A General Lines Adjuster license allows someone to adjust and process claims relative to property damage (losses).  An adjuster is charged with the responsibility of fair and equitable settlement.  The specific duties involve verification of insurance coverage; establish the sequence of events that resulted in the damage (loss), which may require interviews with claimants and/or witnesses and consulting with authorities when appropriate; inspection of the damaged property to determine the extent of the monetary loss; and finally negotiate an appropriate settlement.

This course prepares students to pass the licensing exam for a general lines insurance adjuster license in Oregon. This course covers the following nineteen topics separated into three units:

Personal Lines:

  1. General Insurance Terms and Related Concepts
  2. Property Insurance
  3. Liability Insurance
  4. Dwelling Property Forms
  5. Homeowners Insurance
  6. Personal Auto Insurance
  7. Miscellaneous Personal Insurance
  8. Insurance Regulations

Commercial Lines:

  1. Businessowners Policy (BOP)
  2. Commercial Package Policy (CPP)
  3. Commercial General Liability
  4. Commercial Auto Insurance
  5. Commercial Crime Insurance
  6. Marine Insurance
  7. Farm Coverage
  8. Equipment Breakdown Protection Coverage Form
  9. Workers' Compensation Insurance
  10. Miscellaneous Commercial Insurance

Lines Adjuster:

  1. General Lines Adjuster
  2. Rules, Regulations, and Additional Policy Forms

Each unit is further divided into chapters, with video reviews available at the end of most chapters. After the review video a review quiz will test your comprehension of the chapter topic. Final exams will be presented at the end of each of the three major units (personal lines, commercial lines, and lines adjuster). To demonstrate competency in each unit, you will need to obtain final exam scores equivalent to a "C" (75%) or better.

Course Instructors and Student Support

Upon enrollment, you will be assigned a course instructor. Students are encouraged to contact their instructor whenever such contact will be helpful to review or explain course content, procedures, or requirements. 

Equipment Required

With exception of instructor support offered by telephone and email, the course, its materials, and delivery system are entirely over the Internet. In order to be able to access and complete the course, you only needs an Internet accessible computer. OnlineEd works with all modern web browsers and operating systems. The course may be read online, but can also be printed.

Course Prerequisites

There are no prerequisites for taking the OnlineEd general lines insurance adjuster course.  The Oregon Division of Financial Regulations does not require general lines adjuster exam applicants complete an education course before applying to take the licensing exam. General lines insurance adjusters are required to be a resident of Oregon or maintain a business in Oregon.

This course will remain available to students for 180 days after enrollment.

Oregon Property and Casualty Insurance Exam Prep

This is a simulation of the state property and casualty insurance pre-license exam prep. The test simulator is a practice test and does not affect your course completion requirements.

This Exam Prep course will assist you in preparation for the state exam. The course consists of a "state test simulator" with questions similar to those found on the state test that you can practice with until you feel ready to take the state test.

This course will remain available to students for 365 days after enrollment.

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