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California Real Estate Continuing Education First Renewal Broker Courses

Tens of thousands of students get their real estate continuing education with OnlineEd each year. Let's make it easy!

First Time Renewal Subsequent Renewal

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Official C.A.R. Partner

We are the exclusive education provider for the California Association of REALTORS®.

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Study on mobile or desktop whenever you want.

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We've designed our entire system to make it as easy as possible to get your CE done.


We have specialized in online education for over 25 years.

California Real Estate Continuing Education Info

How to renew your California real estate license

Complete 45 hours of California real estate continuing education every 4 years. Salespersons renewing for the first time should take our Ed-Pak 45 SALESPERSON renewal package. All others should take Ed-Pak 45 SUBSEQUENT. DRE Sponsor #6347

Learn more about continuing education

California Real Estate Continuing Education Info
"Really happy with it. Great product for a great price!"

California Real Estate Continuing Education First Renewal Broker Courses

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