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Oregon Construction Contractor Licensing Course

The training you need to run your own construction contracting business.

ONLY $94.00
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Enroll FAQ

This course will prepare you to take the Oregon state test and obtain a CCB license to conduct business as a construction contractor in Oregon.
Our course includes the contractors guide, online presentations, and practice quizzes.

Contractor License Course Includes:

This Oregon contractor's license course package includes the latest edition of the NASCLA Contractor's Guide, over 3 hours of Online Presentations of the course material, and Practice Quizzes and Questions to help you verify that you understand the information covered.

Our course includes the contractors guide, online presentations, and practice quizzes.

The Online Presentations of the Oregon contractor's license course are broken up into the same 14 chapters as the NASCLA Contractors Guide. Each chapter contains an audio/video presentation that covers the important points from the material. Reading, hearing, and seeing will help you to remember the material for the contractor licensing exam. MP3 downloads are also available.

As you progress through the material, you will be presented with Practice Quizzes and Questions to help you verify that you understand the information covered. Each chapter concludes with an optional practice quiz to assess how well you have learned the online contractor's license material and how prepared you are to pass the state test.

9 out of 10 of our students pass the licensing exam on their first try!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Is This Course For?

This is a construction contracting pre-license course. It is intended for persons that want to run their own construction contracting business. Running your own business requires a construction contractor license from the Oregon Construction Contractors Board (CCB).

How To Get A Contractors License In Oregon

To get your CCB license:

Everything you need to know about getting your license can be found on the CCB website:


The CCB puts out a handy brochure that includes a checklist of everything you need to do to get a properly licensed Oregon construction business up and running.


Do I Need An Oregon Contractors License?

According to the Oregon CCB, "Anyone who works for compensation in any construction activity involving improvements to real property needs a license." This includes: Roofing, Siding, Painting, Carpentry, Floor covering, Concrete, Heating, Air conditioning, Electrical, Plumbing, Tree servicing, Repair of attached appliances, Manufactured dwelling installation, Land development, Handyman services, Home inspection, Most construction and repair services.

Read more about who needs a license on the CCB website.


Do I Qualify For An Exemption?

Persons that do NOT need a CCB license are limited mainly to licensed Property Managers and persons doing cleanup work such as pressure washing, gutter cleaning, construction site debris removal, and yard maintenance.

Read more about who needs a license on the CCB website.

What Is The Process To Apply For A License?

  1. Complete a 16-hour pre-license course from an approved contractor license school.
  2. Pass the CCB licensing exam.
  3. For new businesses, get a business license.
  4. Get insurance and a surety bond.
  5. Submit a contractor license application to the CCB.

Taking a contracting pre-license course is the first step in the process of getting a CCB license in Oregon. Oregon is somewhat unique in this regard. Most states do not require a specific pre-license class. If you have previously worked as a contractor in another state, you must still take the pre-license class and pass the CCB licensing exam. You can sign up and start taking your course right now!

How Hard Is The Pre-License Course?

The Oregon CCB only requires that you spend 16 hours studying the course. What and how you choose to study are up to you. You are not required to pass a final exam to earn credit for the pre-license course. In that sense, it is very easy! The course comes with a hard-copy textbook, online review videos, and optional practice questions to help you study for the state exam.

How Hard Is The Licensing Exam?

The CCB exam is an open-book test. This means you can bring your textbook and margin notes with you to the exam! The test includes 80 multiple choice questions. You will have 3 hours to complete the test. You must score 70% to pass the exam. If you studied the textbook, took our license prep tests, and reviewed the videos, you should have no problem passing the official CCB licensing exam.

How Much Does It Cost To Get A CCB License?

Besides the cost of this pre-license course, it currently costs $325 to submit a CCB license application, and $60 to take the license exam. A new business license is $50. Your construction business must be insured and bonded. The costs for insurance and bonding varies depending on your credit rating and the type of business you conduct.

What is OnlineEd?

OnlineEd is a CCB-approved contractor license school. We have been offering contractor license training since 2009. We have trained thousands of students with our combination of online learning and NASCLA textbooks. Online training helps keep costs down when compared to in-class education. This means your education with OnlineEd costs much less than other schools and you get the convenience of completing the course whenever and wherever you want.

Help for Veterans is Available!

Veterans: You may be able to obtain reimbursement for the costs of any tests you take for this license. For more information, contact the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs at 1-888-442-4551; or the Oregon Dept. of Veterans Affairs at 1-800-828-8801.

Start With A Great Education

Get the education you need to pass the state licensing exam for ONLY $94.00!
