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Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

Online sexual harassment courses for California supervisors and employees.
Meets all state requirements.

Online sexual harassment course for California supervisors and employees. Meets all state requirements.

Employee Sexual Harassment Courses

Employee Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

Sexual harassment training course for California employees. If your employer asked you to complete sexual harassment training, this is what you need.

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Harassing a fellow coworker in an inappropriate manner can strain workplace professional comradery. In this training, you will be given information about sexual harassment, definitions of harassment, and strategies for responding to harassment. This course also covers California-specific laws such as the Fair Housing and Employment Act (FEHA).

This course covers the employee training requirement needed by January 1, 2020.

Manager Sexual Harassment Courses

Supervisor Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

Sexual harassment training for California supervisors. If you manage employees and your company has five or more employees or independent contractors, this is what you need.

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California Government Code (Gov Code) sections 12950 and 12950.1 require that if you have five or more employees or even five or more independent contractors (sales persons or broker associates), then by January 1, 2020, all “supervisory employees” must have take the two-hour supervisor training. The law requires that supervisors get trained for at least two hours, once every two years. Please note that many supervisor/office managers are employees, and if so, they would be required to take the training. Supervisors are in a position of authority and their actions directly reflect on the company. To comply with the law and to avoid costly lawsuits for an employer, supervisors should know about harassment, prohibited actions, and legal outcomes of harassment.

Additional Features

Case studies illustrating sexual harassment law.

Questions to test your understanding of the material.

Examples based on real world scenarios.

A post-training assessment to check your understanding.

Who is Required to Take the Training?

Do independent contractors need sexual harassment training?

Independent Contractor Training

I am a broker with five sales agents who are independent contractors. Are the independent contractors required to take the sexual harassment training?

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Currently, no. But if you have any employees at all, even just one employee, then the employee(s) would have to take the training. Additionally, regulations are pending which could require the independent contractors to take this training as well, if adopted.

Who needs to be trained about sexual harassment laws?

Training Recommendations

What training is recommended for employees, for sales agents, and for supervisors?

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For employee training. If you have five or more employees or even five or more salespersons or brokers even if independent contractors, then by January 1, 2020, all employees must have taken the training.

For sales agent training. Although it appears the law does not require sales agents or brokers retained as independent contractors to take the training, proposed regulations which may be adopted in 2019 could expand the requirement to include independent contractors. In any event, since a different law expands liability for licensees in a professional relationship with their clients, it is highly recommended that sales agents, too, take the training even if retained as independent contractors.

For supervisor training. If you have five or more employees or even five or more independent contractors (sales persons or broker associates), then by January 1, 2020, all “supervisory employees” must have taken the supervisor training. Please note that many supervisor/office managers are employees, and if so, they would be required to take the training.

How to manage and protect yourself from sexual harassment risk.

Risk Management Protection

To help mitigate risk, who should take the training courses?

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As a risk management precaution, we strongly recommend that the responsible broker take the supervisory training along with all other persons who supervise agents or employees. This will include anyone who is in a position to hire, fire, reward or discipline an employee or independent contractor licensee, or who has the responsibility of directing an employee or independent contractor licensee. This recommendation applies regardless of how many employees or independent contractors have been retained.

STOP Sexual Harassment!

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

Employee Training Supervisor Training

Need training for your entire company? Contact Us to negotiate bulk pricing and get free education monitoring tools for managers.

Stop sexual harassment with OnlineEd's DFEH Harassment Training