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How To Become A Real Estate Agent in Arizona

Learn how to get a real estate license in Arizona and choose the pre-license courses right for you.

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How to Get Your Real Estate Salesperson License in Arizona

To get an Arizona Real Estate Salesperson license, follow these steps:

More information can be found on the AZRE website.

Your first positive step towards becoming a licensed Arizona real estate agent is taking the required pre-license course. You can learn more about the course here.

Arizona Real Estate Pre-License Education Requirements

Real Estate Salesperson License

Arizona requires two courses to be completed before applying for a new real estate license:

The 90-hour AZ pre-license course will teach you real estate law, ethics, practice. The course is broken up into 45 2-hour segments. Each segment has a review quiz to reinforce concepts that you are learning.

Students must pass a proctored final exam at a testing facility which can be a real estate school, university, or community college. Student should plan to make any necessary travel arrangements to be at the testing center on time and be able to complete the entire exam.

Students that pass the course final exam will be given a certificate of completion for the 90 hour course to use when submitting a real estate application.

Note: The proctored final exam is not the same as the state-administered real estate exam. You will take the real estate exam after submitting your real estate license application.

Real Estate Broker License

Requirements for a real estate broker license are similar to those for a salesperson license with these differences:

  • Applicant must have 3 years of full time real estate work experience.
  • Applicants must complete a 90-hour Arizona Real Estate Broker licensing course.

* OnlineEd does not currently offer the broker pre-license course.

Out-of-State Applicants

If you are already licensed in another state and move into the state of Arizona as a resident, you may be able to skip some education requirements. For out-of-state licensure, applicants must:

  • Be an Arizona resident.
  • Currently be licensed in another state for at least one year.
  • Have completed approved real estate education in the other state.
  • Passed a real estate license examination in another state.
  • Not be the subject of disciplinary action in another state.

More information can be found on the AZRE website.

Schedule Your Real Estate Licensing Exam

If you have completed all of your Arizona real estate pre-license education requirments, you can now schedule your real estate licensing exam. To schedule your exam, contact Pearson VUE. Be prepared to provide two forms of current signature identification, including:

  • One government issued ID with photo
  • Salesperson Education Certificate for the 90 hours of schooling

Examination fees are listed on the Fee Schedule.

Choose OnlineEd For Your Arizona Real Estate Pre-License Education

  • Everything is online.
  • Work at your own pace.
  • Mobile-friendly courses.
  • Get help from an assigned instructor.
  • Exam prep materials included.
  • Downloadable PDF and ePub files.

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