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Washington Real Estate Continuing Education Guide

How to renew your Washington real estate license and choose the correct continuing education courses.

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Washington Real Estate Continuing Education Requirements

Real estate licenses in Washington need to be renewed every 2 years, usually on your birthday. You can start the renewal process up to 120 days in advance.

If you have an active Washington real estate broker license, you must take real estate continuing education courses before you can renew your license. These courses can be completed at any time during your current license cycle.

The courses and hours you need will depend on your license type and how long you have been in business:

Get Fingerprinted

Fingerprints must be submitted every 6 years along with your license renewal. The Washington Department of Licensing will determine if fingerprint renewals are necessary and send you a card and instructions with your renewal notice.

Fingerprinting can be done at any fingerprint service provider or most law enforcement agencies.

Renew Your License through the Washington Department of Licensing

After completing each course you will receive a certificate of completion with a date and authentication number. You can renew your license online or through the mail.

Online renewals can be done through the Washington Department of Licensing website. The required information should be available on your renewal notice.

Renewing by mail may be necessary if fingerprints are required with your renewal. Include your renewal notice, continuing education certificates, fee, and fingerprint card if needed.

For full details on renewal requirements, see How to Renew Your License for Brokers and Managing Brokers at the Washington Department of Licensing.

OnlineEd's Washington Real Estate Continuing Education Courses

  • Mobile-friendly.
  • Everything is online.
  • Work at your own pace.
  • Printable certificate.
  • Authored in-house.

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